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What Is Edge Computing?

Written by ACL | Dec 22, 2023 6:08:27 PM

What Is Edge Computing?

If you and your company tend to keep up with the latest news in the tech sector, you’ve more than likely heard about edge computing. This is an innovation with real-world applications, from revolutionizing healthcare to reshaping smart cities.

Today, the edge computing market size is expected to grow from USD 13.49 billion in 2023 to USD 27.85 billion by 2028 But what is this technology all about, and why does it matter to you? This article dives into the specifics of edge computing, explaining its benefits and how it relates to nearshore software development.


What Is Edge Computing and Why It Matters?

If you’ve ever wondered how your smart devices process requests so swiftly, the answer is edge computing. This technology has become a key player in today's tech landscape, powered by the digital transformation that followed COVID-19. At its core, edge computing is about processing data closer to where it's created, rather than relying on a central data-processing warehouse. This means that instead of sending all data to distant cloud servers, processing happens right at the edge of the network - near, or even within, the devices generating the data.

Why does this matter to you, as a business professional? Two words: speed and efficiency. By handling data locally, edge computing dramatically reduces latency - the delay before data transfer begins following an instruction. In a world where milliseconds matter, this speed can be a game-changer in sectors like healthcare, where real-time data processing can be life-saving, or in manufacturing, where immediate data analysis can prevent costly machine failures.

Another compelling facet of edge computing is its ability to operate reliably, even in remote or unstable network conditions. This resilience is crucial in industries like oil and gas exploration, where operations are often in remote locations with limited connectivity. This technology also brings enhanced security. By processing sensitive data locally rather than sending it across the network, the risk of data breaches can be significantly reduced. This is particularly vital in industries where data management is a priority, such as finance and healthcare.

In essence, edge computing is not just another tech trend. It's a practical solution to the ever-growing data demands of modern businesses, offering speed, reliability, and security. As we continue to embrace digital transformation, understanding and leveraging edge computing will be essential in staying competitive and efficient.


The Evolution of Edge Computing and its Key Components

Edge computing has evolved remarkably in the last couple of years. It has grown from being a niche concept to a mainstream technology staple. Initially, data processing was centralized; large data centers were the norm. However, as the number of devices connected to the Internet exploded - a phenomenon known as the Internet of Things (IoT) - the limitations of centralized processing became apparent.

This shift led to the birth of edge computing. Instead of sending all data to distant servers, edge computing brings computation and data storage closer to the devices where it's being gathered. This evolution is not just about placing computing resources in new locations. It's about rethinking how and where data processing can be most efficient and effective.

Key Components of Edge Computing

  • Edge Devices: These are the endpoints generating or using data, like smartphones, industrial machines, or sensors. They're the starting point of the edge computing process.

  • Edge Nodes: These are the localized computing resources, often located near the edge devices. They perform the initial data processing, reducing the load on central servers and decreasing latency.

  • Network Connectivity: Robust and secure connections are vital for transmitting data between edge devices, nodes, and central systems. This includes technologies like 5G, which plays a significant role in enhancing edge computing capabilities.

  • Data Analytics and Storage: At the edge, data analytics happens in real-time. This means decisions can be made swiftly, based on the latest information. Storage at the edge also allows for immediate data access and backup, enhancing overall efficiency.

  • Security Measures: As edge computing grows, so do the concerns around data security. Implementing robust security protocols, and other features such as data dashboards, at the edge is essential to protect sensitive information from cyber threats.

How Does Edge Computing Work in the Real World and the Tech Industry?

In the tech industry, edge computing works as a practical solution reshaping how businesses handle data. It's the invisible powerhouse behind many modern conveniences and efficiencies, from streaming your favorite shows with minimal buffering to powering the latest smart factory technologies.

Streaming Services: 

Ever wondered why you can stream high-definition videos without lag? Edge computing is the hero here. It allows data-heavy streaming services to process content closer to users, reducing latency. Netflix, for example, uses edge computing to deliver content quickly and efficiently, enhancing user experience.


In e-commerce, speed is king. Edge computing accelerates website load times, crucial for keeping customers engaged. Amazon leverages edge computing for faster web services and personalized content, significantly boosting customer satisfaction and sales.

Smart Factories: 

The tech industry's adoption of edge computing is transforming manufacturing. Smart factories use edge computing and data governance to process data from sensors and machines in real time, optimizing production lines and reducing downtime. According to a report by Deloitte, smart factories can increase production output by up to 12% through edge computing.

Automotive Industry: 

Autonomous vehicles are a prime example of edge computing in action. These vehicles process massive amounts of data on the go to make split-second decisions. Edge computing enables this by processing data locally, enhancing safety and performance. A study by McKinsey predicts that by 2030, up to 15% of new cars could be fully autonomous, thanks in part to advancements in edge computing.

Gaming Industry: 

The gaming world benefits immensely from edge computing. It reduces latency in cloud gaming, providing gamers with a smoother and more responsive experience. Companies like Microsoft and Sony are investing heavily in edge computing to offer better gaming services.


For telecom companies, edge computing is vital in managing network traffic and providing high-speed connectivity, especially with the roll-out of 5G networks. It enables faster data processing and improved bandwidth usage, which is critical for maintaining network performance.

Healthcare Technology: 

Edge computing is making waves in healthcare technology, too. It enables faster processing of patient data for real-time monitoring and diagnostics, crucial in critical care situations. Agilizing processes is a priority in the sector and edge computing can make operations run smoother. 

The Intersection of Edge Computing and Nearshore Data Services

When edge computing meets nearshore data services, it's like the meeting of two tech titans, each complementing the other to create a powerful synergy. For businesses, this intersection can be a significantly strategic move to enhance data processing capabilities while keeping costs in check.

Enhanced Data Processing Capabilities: 

Nearshore data centers, positioned closer to where your operations are, work hand-in-hand with edge computing technologies. This proximity reduces latency even further than edge computing alone. By combining local data processing and data analytics with nearshore centers, businesses can enjoy ultra-fast data processing speeds, crucial for applications requiring real-time analytics.

IT Cost Efficiency:

Operating costs are a critical consideration for any business. Nearshore services offer a cost-effective solution for managing edge computing infrastructure. According to a study by PwC, businesses can save up to 30% in operational costs by integrating nearshore services into their IT strategy. This is due to the lower costs associated with nearshore locations compared to onshore or offshore alternatives.

Scalability and Flexibility: 

As your business grows, so do your data processing needs. Nearshore data services provide the scalability necessary to adapt to these changing demands without the need for substantial upfront investments in infrastructure. This flexibility is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

Localized Expertise: 

Nearshore providers often have a deep understanding of local regulations and compliance requirements. This localized expertise, combined with edge computing, ensures that your data processing adheres to regional data protection standards, which is essential in sectors like finance and healthcare.

Improved Collaboration and Communication: 

Working with nearshore teams allows for better alignment with your business hours, fostering improved collaboration and communication. This is particularly beneficial for real-time data processing and decision-making, where timely responses are vital.

Enhanced Security: 

Combining edge computing with nearshore data services can bolster your data security. With data processed locally at the edge and supported by nearshore centers, the risk of data breaches during transmission is minimized. Gartner reports that through 2022, at least 95% of cloud security failures are predicted to be the customer's fault, emphasizing the need for robust local and nearshore security measures.


Access Innovative Data and Software Solutions With ACL

Ready to propel your business into the future with the latest in technology? With ACL’s advanced data services and strategic nearshore outsourcing solutions, you can scale your business by harnessing every tech innovation. 

At ACL, we specialize in harnessing the power of data to drive your business forward. Our comprehensive data services are designed to provide you with insights that inform better decision-making, optimize your operations, and enhance customer experiences. From analytics to big data management, we tailor our solutions to meet your unique needs.

Contact us today to schedule a free discovery call and learn more about our nearshore data services!